
BEATS is run entirely by volunteers. Professional creatives (actors, directors, writers, academics) who have accumulated years of experiencing working in the creative sector.
BEATS receives no funding so we are truly an independent advocacy organisation
We work closely with film, TV, stage companies and arts organisations to increase the visibility of British East and South East Asians (BESEAS) on stage and screen. To render more nuanced, realistic and accurate representations of BESEAS in British culture whether that be on stage or screen.

The positioning of East and South East Asians in British society and culture means we are more often than not, “celebrated” as a model minority. This myth does a great disservice and be-lies the realities of being a BESEA. It is a misconception that exaggerates the socio-economic success of BESEAs, perpetuates the denial of racial reality, and continues false stereotyping.

Worst still, the myth is a form of systemic oppression which renders BESEAs invisible. Being unseen means issues affecting BESEAs can be simply ignored because our struggles don’t even register. Consequently, BESEAs in arts and culture are underrepresented, marginalised and maligned. In short, we are dehumanised.

Increasing our visibility is a vital step in emancipating BESEAs from invisibility and frees us from a chain of systemic discrimination. We seek representation of BESEAs in the mainstream media that are not one-dimensional or ‘other-ing’, thereby normalising our voices and faces. In this process of humanising our identity, we work towards building a new generation of role models and storytellers who are unencumbered by stereotyping and a society where we are no longer ridiculed, perceived as threats or the perpetual foreigner